today while coming back from college i see a lady throwing a plastic bag into the yamuna . Religious sentiments they will say if i raise my voice.
let me enlighten everyone here . Yamuna in delhi has a water stopper and behind the damn is the clean water which is being purified everyday so that the delhi people can in take clean and purified water and the on the other side of the water stopper we have the unclean or unpurified water where all the immersiion of idols and religious sentiments are met.
Delhi Govt is no doubt spending crores of rupees for the purification of the river everyday. But the insesitive public of this state have no mercy . either for others or themselves. If the general mentality of the people and their civic sense dont improve there is hardly any hope.
Education is not helping and another substitutes for grownup men and woman isnt available.
lets all try to help ourselves and create a green and clean enviornment through self disciple.
Its for us and the generations to come . Plant more trees rather than being blindly religious be practically religious. Because if we dont protect our nature today WE ARE KILLING TOMMOROW.